The Skaia Portal is a block that cannot be obtained through legitimate means in survival mode. However, in creative mode, it appears in the Minestuck tab of the creative inventory, and can be placed like most blocks. Upon touching the Skaia Portal, the player is instantly transported to Skaia, or the Overworld if the player is already there. This makes the Skaia portal Minestuck's only means of entering the Overworld post-entry.
The transportation process will generate a platform (like going to the End) made out of checked white chess tiles and black chess tiles. Like transportation to the Nether, where the player ends up by going through the portal relates to where the portal itself is located. Unlike transportation to the Nether, however, there is no multiplier on distances. (In other words, two Skaia portals 100 blocks apart will drop players in two distinct locations, 100 blocks apart.)