Minestuck Wiki

Session predefine, as this feature is called, is a method of predefining things like session members, titles, and land aspects. Aside from debugging purposes, the command is best suited for well-planned or heavily gm'ed games, as it can be done ahead of time and doesn't have to be done by the player in question. For the ability to specify a title in more causal or open servers, it is instead recommended to enable the title selector feature through the config, which will let a non-predefined player set their title during entry.

The command is operated using the command

/sburbSession <session name> <command> [additional values]

Beware that the session name is case sensitive.

There are currently five active subcommands to be used.

Session managing commands[]


/sburbSession <session name> add <players ...>

Registers players as a member of the session. Will create a new session if no session with that name was found.

You can unregister a player by adding an exclamation mark (!) before the player name.


/sburbSession <session name> name <player>

Names or renames the provided players session to the session name provided.

Predefining commands[]


/sburbSession <session name> title <player> <title class> <title aspect>

Predefines a title for the player provided.

Classes and aspects can be provided either by name or a number from 0 - 11 for aspects and 0 - 13 for classes.

The title names are not case sensitive.


0 = Blood

1 = Breath

2 = Doom

3 = Heart

4 = Hope

5 = Life

6 = Light

7 = Mind

8 = Rage

9 = Space

10 = Time

11 = Void


0 = Bard

1 = Heir

2 = Knight

3 = Mage

4 = Maid

5 = Page

6 = Prince

7 = Rogue

8 = Seer

9 = Sylph

10 = Thief

11 = Witch

*12 = Lord

*13 = Muse

*only accessible through this command (as of now)


/sburbSession <session name> landTitle <player> <title land aspect>

Predefines the land aspect that is generated based on the aspect in your title.

You can predefine this land aspect as something that doesn't fit the title aspect, but it is advised not to.

If you change the predefined title-based land aspect to something that isn't compatible with the predefined terrain land aspect, the terrain land aspect will be removed from the predefined data.

Beware that the land aspect names are case sensitive.


/sburbSession <session name> landTerrain <player> <terrain land aspect>

Predefines the land aspect that takes care of the terrain.

You must predefine the title-based land aspect before you are able to predefine this one, and you may not predefine it as something that isn't compatible with the chosen title-based land aspect.

Beware that the land aspect names are case sensitive.