Minestuck Wiki

Current computer models

In Minestuck, the computer is one of the most important blocks, allowing players to retrieve the essential items to progress. Upon placing the block, the server and/or client disk can be inserted. Using these disks, players can connect to each other. For solo players, it is, however, still possible to connect to yourself, providing similar results.

One thing to note is that it is possible to put two disks into a single computer, even when connecting to yourself. When having both the server and the client disks in the same computer, you can switch between them using the upper right button.


Computer recipe

The crafting recipe for the computer.

To create the computer, the player must use a nether quartz, raw cruxite, an energy core, redstone dust, and a computer part (which are obtainable as lotus/frog temple loot). Prior to the update including frog temples, the player must surround an energy core with iron ingots in a crafting table (Before the uranium update, a block of cruxite will be used instead of an energy core). Once crafted, the computer can be right clicked, turning it on, and the screen will change from black to blue. Disks can be inserted by holding them and right clicking the computer. The screen will change to be white, with a green circle and line.


2015-06-27 09.05

Server GUI

To server another player, a SBURB Server Disk must be inserted into the computer. Once inserted, the player can open their PC for clients, who can connect. After a connection is made, the player will be able to edit within radius around the client PC, placing essential items such as the Cruxtruder for free. Only one of each of the machines is available for free at a time, changing to 100 build grist once one has been placed. This cost resets to 0 each in-game day at dawn. The default radius for edit mode is 15 blocks pre-entry, and 30 blocks post-entry, though these can be changed in the world's config file.


If the client disk is inserted, the player will be able to see open servers through the computer's interface, and connect to them. Upon connection, their server player has the ability to edit the area around their computer.

Furthermore, the client disk allows the player to select a color, which will act as the color for all of the cruxite-related items produced by the player after connecting to the server player; however, the option to change the color is disabled once the client player Enters.

Edit Mode[]

Editmode gui

Edit mode GUI

When a server player enters Edit Mode, they are able to edit terrain around their client's PC, using their client's grist in the process. A player in Edit Mode cannot access their own inventory, instead it is replaced with the Edit Mode GUI, where they can access the Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, Captchalogue Card, Alchemiter and Punch Designix, as well as the Atheneum, their client's grist cache, and if the player has operator permissions, the data checker. With the exception of the Punch Designix (an item that costs 4 shale to place), all other machines are free, unless already placed, in which case the price will be set to free again after one in-game day. If the server player wants to break or place other items, they can break and place items at the cost of the clients grist, and middleclick can pickblock items. To exit build mode, press K (by default).

Mod Configuration[]

Key Default Description
privateComputers True True if computers should only be able to be used by the owner.
globalSession False Whenever all sburb connections should be put into a single session or not.
skaianetCheck True If enabled, will during certain moments perform a check on all connections and computers that are in use. Recommended to turn off if there is a need to improve performance, however skaianet-related bugs might appear when done so.

In the Comic[]

The computer itself does not directly feature in the comic. Rather, many characters in the comic use various computers. However, the server and client disks prominently feature. In earlier acts, characters are shown to insert both disks to play the game, with and extended quest of John's involving the retrieval of his server disk.