Minestuck Wiki
A black sickle wielded by Dersites and Agents!
A black sickle wielded by Dersites and Agents!
ID Name minestuck:regisickle
Damage 7
Attack Speed 1.6
Durability 812
Additional Effects None
Cost 33 Gold, 57 Tar, 25 Amethyst

The regisickle is the sickle version of the Regisword. It is crafted by &&ing a sickle and a chessboard.


&& Alchemy
Punched Card Punched Card

Regisickle-0 Regisickle

Chessboard-0chessboard SickleSickle
25Amethyst-0 57Tar33 Gold

In the Comic[]

In Homestuck, this sicklekind weapon was created by Karkat Vantas by alchemizing his Sickle with a Regisword.