A list of all Minestuck recipes added to the game, sorted by the order in which they appear in the creative inventory. Downloading JEI is suggested(Not Enough Items before 1.12), but if you cannot do that for some reason or another, such as the Minestuck V.139 bug that makes NEI unusable, this page is here for you. Items without a new recipe do not have grist costs listed. The costs are built in such a way that should prevent duping grist or resulting in free items. The majority of vanilla items have a grist cost. If an item is made with a crafting grid using items that have grist costs, that item will inherit the appropriate grist cost that its ingredients total out to. Items that can be identified by Forge as belonging to a basic group(logs/stones or even common modded ores like copper/tin) will allow them to be automatically assigned a grist cost, allowing entire crafting trees for other mods to be alchemizable. After 1.12 it became possible to add your own json file alchemy recipes/grist costs through a datapack in the same way that default crafting/smelting recipes can be added to Vanilla minecraft through json files.
Building Blocks[]
Stone: Cobblestone && Cut Red Sandstone, Cobblestone && Cut Sandstone 2Build
Grass Block: End Grass && Dirt, Dirt && Grass, Dirt && Wheat Seeds, 2Build
Cobblestone: Stone || Gravel, Stone || Cracked Stone Bricks, 2Build
Red Sand: Red Dye && Sand, 1Build
Gravel: Sand/Red Sand && Cobblestone, 3Build
Gold Ore: Gold Ingot && Stone, 4Build, 9Gold
Iron Ore: Stone && Iron Ingot, 4Build, 9Rust
Coal Ore: Coal && Stone, 4Build, 8Tar
Wet Sponge: Water Bucket && Sponge/Yellow Wool, 20Amber, 10Cobalt, 30Sulfur
Lapis Lazuli Ore: Lapis Lazuli && Stone, 16Amethyst, 4Build
Sandstone: Cobblestone && Cut Sandstone, Cobblestone || Sand, Cut Sandstone || Sand, Gravel || Cut Sandstone, Stone || Sand, 4Build
Colored Wool: (Dye) || Wool, Grist Cost dependent on color
Block of Gold: Gold Ingot || Stone, 81Gold
Block of Iron: Stone || Iron Ingot, 81Rust
Bookshelf: (Wood Planks) && Book, Book && Chest, 27Amber, 12Build, 12Chalk, 30Iodine
Moss Stone: Seeds || Cobblestone, 1Amber, 4Build
Wooden Stairs: (Wood Planks) || (Wood Slab), 3Build
Diamond Ore: Diamond && Stone, 4Grist, 18Diamond
Block of Diamond: Diamond || Stone, 162Diamond
Redstone Ore: Redstone && Stone, 4Build, 16Garnet
Ice: Glass && Snow Block, 2Cobalt
Pumpkin: Carrot && Melon, 12Amber, 6Caulk
Netherrack: Lava Bucket && Cobblestone, 2Build, 1Tar
Soul Sand: Netherwart || Sand, 2Build, 3Caulk, 5Sulfur
Soul Soil: Netherwart || Dirt
Glowstone: Glowstone Dust && Netherrack, 24Chalk, 16Tar
(Stained Clay): (Dye) && Glass, Grist Cost dependant on color
Stone Bricks: Cracked Stone Bricks && Stone, 2Build
Mossy Stone Bricks: Seeds || Stone Bricks, 4Build, 1Amber
Cracked Stone Bricks: Stone Bricks && Cobblestone, 2Build
Mycelium: (Mushroom) && Grass Block, 2Build, 2Iodine, 2Ruby
Nether Bricks: Brick && Netherrack, Bricks && Netherrack, 4Build, 8Tar
Nether Stairs: Nether Brick/Nether Brick Block && (Wood Stairs), 6Build, 12Tar
End Stone: Ender Pearl && Stone, 4Build, 3Caulk
Sandstone Stairs: Sand || Cobblestone Stairs, 6Build
Emerald Ore: Emerald && Stone, 4Build, 9Diamond, 9Ruby
Block of Emerald: Emerald || Stone, 81Diamond, 81Ruby
Mossy Cobblestone Wall: Cobblestone Wall || Seeds/Mossy Cobblestone, 1Amber, 4Build
Nether Quartz Ore: Nether Quartz && Netherrack, 2Build, 2Marble, 8Quartz
Block of Quartz: Quartz || Stone, 4Marble, 16Quartz
(Colored Hardened Clay): (Dye) && Hardened Clay, Grist Cost dependant on color
Acacia Wood: Birch Wood || Jungle Wood, 8Build
Dark Oak Wood: Oak Wood || Spruce Wood, 8Build
Prismarine: Prismarine Shard && Cobblestone, 12Build, 7Cobalt
Prismarine Bricks: Stone Bricks && Prismarine Shard, 18Build, 12Cobalt
Dark Prismarine: (Any Prismarine Block) && Ink Sac, 18Build, 10Cobalt, 2Tar
Sea Lantern: Dark Prismarine && Prismarine Crystals, Glowstone && Prismarine Shard, 12 Amethyst, 32 Cobalt, 6Diamond
Block of Coal: Coal || Stone, 72Tar
Red Sandstone: Red Dye && Sandstone, 4Build
Chisled Red Sandstone: Red Dye && Chisled Sandstone, (Currently no grist cost implemented, thus, this item is not alchemizable.)
Smooth Red Sandstone: Red Dye && Smooth Sandstone, 4Build
Red Sandstone Stairs: Red Sand || Cobblestone Stairs, Sandstone Stairs && Red Dye, (Currently no grist cost implemented, thus, this item is not alchemizable.)
Decoration Blocks[]
(Sapling): Leaves && Stick/Seeds, Leaves || (Wood), 16Build
Dead Bush: Sand/Red Sand || Grass/Fern, Sand/Red Sand && (Sapling), 2Amber, 1Sulfur
Ladder: (Wood Planks) && Rail, Vine && Stick, 2Build
Cactus: Sand || Fern, 4Amber, 1Iodine
Jukebox: (Music Disc) && Note Block, Note Block && Diamond, 16Build, 18Diamond
Vines: Ladder || (Leaves), 1Amber, 2Build
Lily Pad: (Leaves) || Water Bucket, 4Amber, 1Iodine
Nether Brick Fence: Nether Brick/Nether Brick Block && (Wood Fence), 4Build, 8Tar
Enchantment Table: Bottle o' Enchanting && Book, 9Amber, 24Build, 4Chalk, 32Cobalt, 36Diamond, 10Iodine, 64Tar
Ender Chest: Chest && Ender Pearl, 48Build, 64Cobalt, 5Diamond, 8Mercury, 138Tar, 14Uranium
Anvil: Crafting Table || Block of Iron, 279Rust
(Stained Glass Pane): Glass Pane && (Dye), Grist Cost dependant on color
Acacia Leaves: Jungle Leaves || Birch Leaves, 1Build
Dark Oak Leaves: Spruce Leaves || Oak Leaves, 1Build
Dark Oak Fence: Spruce Fence || Oak Fence, 3Build
Acacia Fence: Jungle Fence || Birch Fence, 3Build
Flower Pot: Brick || Poppy/Dandelion, 9Shale, 3Tar
Skeleton Skull: Wither Skeleton Skull && Bone/Bone Meal, 28Chalk
Zombie Head: Skeleton Skull || Rotten Flesh, 20Iodine, 5Rust
TNT: Gunpowder && Sand, 4Build, 10Chalk, 15Sulfur
Redstone Torch: Redstone && Torch, Gunpowder || Pressure Plate/Button, 1Build, 4Garnet
Wooden Trapdoor: (Wood Slab) && (Door), 6Build
(Fence Gate): (Wood Fence) || (Door), 8Build
Dark Oak Fence Gate: Oak Fence Gate || Spruce Fence Gate Oak Fence || Spruce Door, Dark Oak Door || Dark Oak Fence, Oak Door || Oak Fence, 8Build
Acacia Fence Gate: Jungle Fence Gate || Birch Fence Gate, Acacia Fence || Acacia Door, Birch Fence || Jungle Door, Birch Door || Jungle Fence, 8Build
Iron Door: Iron Ingot && (Door), 18Rust
Redstone: Gunpowder || Stone Pressure Plate/Button/Lever, Rose Red && Gravel, 4Garnet
Acacia Door: Birch Door || Jungle Door, 4Build
Dark Oak Door: Oak Door || Spruce Door, 4Build
Powered Rail: Minecart with Furnace || Rail, Gold Ingot && Rail, 1Build, 1Garnet, 9Gold
Detector Rail: (Pressure Plate) && Rail, 1Build, 1Garnet, 9Rust
Rail: Iron Bars && Stick, Iron Ingot && Ladder, 1Build, 3Rust
Activator Rail: Redstone Torch && Rail, 1Build, 1Garnet, 9Rust
Minecart: Oak Boat || Rail, 45Rust
Saddle: Leather && String, 14Chalk, 7Iodine, 16Rust
Minecart with Chest: Minecart && Chest, 16Build, 45Rust
Minecart with Furnace: Minecart && Furnace, 16Build, 45Rust
Minecart with TNT: Minecart && TNT, 4Build, 10Chalk, 45Rust, 15Sulfur
Minecart with Hopper: 16Build, 90Rust
Elytra: Feather || Chorus Fruit, Leather Chestplate && Phantom Membrane, 65Caulk, 51Diamond, 38Sulfur
Eye of Ender: Ender Pearl && Blaze Powder, 5Diamond, 8Iodine, 10Tar, 14Uranium
Bottle o' Enchanting: (Enchantment Book) || Glass Bottle/Water Bottle, 4Diamond, 3Quartz, 6Ruby, 16Uranium
Fire Charge: Gunpowder || Blaze Powder, 1Amber, 1Chalk, 1Sulfur, 5Tar, 1Uranium
Iron Horse Armor: Saddle && Iron Ingot, 40Rust
Gold Horse Armor: Gold Ingot && Saddle, 40Gold
Diamond Horse Armor: Diamond && Saddle, 80Diamond
Apple: Oak Leaves || Seeds, Oak Sapling && Seeds, 2Amber, 2Shale
Raw Porkchop: Rotten Flesh || Carrot, 10Iodine
Golden Apple: Apple && Gold Ingot/Gold Nugget, 2Amber, 72Gold, 2Shale
*Golden Apple*: Apple && Gold Block, (Currently no grist cost implemented, thus, this item is not alchemizable.)
Raw Beef: Rotten Flesh || Wheat, 12Iodine
Raw Chicken: Rotten Flesh || Seeds, 10Iodine
Carrot: Potato || Seeds, 3Amber, 1Chalk
Potato: Carrot && Seeds, 4Amber
Compass: Redstone || Iron Ingot, Iron Ingot && Clock, 4Garnet, 36Rust
Clock: Gold Ingot || Redstone, Gold Ingot && Compass, 4Garnet, 36Gold
Shears: Iron Ingot && Grass/Fern, 18Rust
Bow: Wooden Sword || Arrow, 3Build, 6Chalk
Blaze Powder: Redstone || Lave Bucket/Netherrack, 10Tar, 1Uranium
Magma Cream: Slimeball && Blaze Powder, 8Chalk, 10Tar, 1Uranium
Charcoal: Coal && (Wood), 2Amber, 6Tar
Diamond: Lapis Lazuli && Emerald, Emerald && Coal, 18Build
Leather: Rotten Flesh || Water Bucket, 4Chalk, 4Iodine
Glowstone Dust: Redstone || Torch, 6Chalk, 4Tar
Blaze Rod: Stick && Blaze Powder/Lava Bucket, 20Tar, 2Uranium
Netherwart: Soul Sand && Mushroom, 3Iodine, 5Tar
Nether Brick: Brick || Netherrack/Nether Brick Block, 1Build, 2Tar
Prismarine Shard: Nether Quartz && Water Bucket, (Prismarine Blocks) || Flint, 3Build, 3Cobalt
Prismarine Crystals: Quartz || Water Bucket, Emerald/Diamond || Prismarine Shard, 4Amethyst, 5Cobalt, 2Diamond
Minestuck Main[]
Minestuck Lands[]
Stone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Stone,
Netherrack Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Netherrack,
Cobblestone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Cobblestone,
Sandstone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Sandstone,
Red Sandstone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Red Sandstone,
End Stone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && End Stone,
Pink Stone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Pink Stone,
Shade Stone Cruxite Ore: Raw Cruxite && Shade Stone,
Stone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Stone,
Netherrack Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Netherrack,
Cobblestone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Cobblestone,
Sandstone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Sandstone,
Red Sandstone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Red Sandstone,
End Stone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && End Stone,
Pink Stone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Pink Stone,
Shade Stone Uranium Ore: Raw Uranium && Shade Stone,
Netherrack Coal Ore: Coal && Netherrack,
Shade Stone Coal Ore: Coal && Shade Stone,
Pink Stone Coal Ore: Coal && Pink Stone,
End Stone Iron Ore: Iron Ingot && End Stone,
Sandstone Iron Ore: Iron Ingot && Sandstone,
Red Sandstone Iron Ore: Iron Ingot && Red Sandstone,
Sandstone Gold Ore: Gold Ingot && Sandstone,
Red Sandstone Gold Ore: Gold Ingot && Red Sandstone,
Shade Stone Gold Ore: Gold Ingot && Shade Stone,
Pink Stone Gold Ore: Gold Ingot && Pink Stone,
End Stone Redstone Ore: Redstone && End Stone,
Stone Quartz Ore: Quartz && Stone,
Pink Stone Lapis Lazuli Ore: Lapis Lazuli && Pink Stone,
Pink Stone Diamond Ore: Diamond && Pink Stone,
Blue Dirt: Dirt || Blue Dye,
Thought Dirt: Dirt || Lime Dye,
Coarse Stone: Stone && Basalt,
Chiseled Coarse Stone: Chiseled Stone Bricks && Coarse Stone, Chiseled Stone Bricks && Gravel,
Shade Stone: Stone || Blue Dirt, Stone || Blue Dye,
Smooth Shade Stone: Smooth Stone || Blue Dirt, Smooth Stone || Lapis Lazuli,
Shade Bricks: Stone Bricks || Blue Dirt, Stone Bricks || Lapis Lazuli,
Frost Tile: (Stone) && Ice, (Stone) && Packed Ice,
Frost Bricks: Stone Bricks && Ice, Stone Bricks && Packed Ice,
Chiseled Frost Bricks: Chiseled Stone Bricks && Ice, Chiseled Stone Bricks && Packed Ice,
Cast Iron: Iron Block && Lava Bucket,
Chiseled Cast Iron: Chiseled Stone Bricks || Cast Iron,
Steel Beam: Quartz Pillar && Cast Iron,
Mycelium Stone: (Stone) && Mycelium,
Black Stone: Stone && Black Dye, Stone || Magma Block,
Black Sand: Sand && Black Dye, Sand || Magma Block,
Flowery Mossy Cobblestone: Mossy Cobblestone || (Small Flowers),
Coarse End Stone: Coarse Dirt || End Stone,
Chalk: (Stone) || Nautilus Shell, (Stone) && White Dye,
Pink Stone: (Stone) && Pink Dye,
Brown Stone: (Stone) && Brown Dye,
Uncarved Wood: (Log) && Stone,
Chipboard: (Log) && Cobblestone,
Wood Shavings: (Log) || Carving Tool, (Log) || Stonecutter,
Sugar Cube: Cookie && Redstone Block,
Glowing Log: (Log) || Glowing Mushroom,
Frost Log: (Log) || Snow, (Log) || Snowball, (Log) || Snow Block,
Vine Oak Log: Oak Log && Vine,
Flowery Vine Log: Vine Log || (Small Flower),
Petrified Log: Cobblestone || (Log), Gravel || (Log), Stone || (Log),
Glowing Planks: (Plank) || Glowing Mushroom,
Frost Planks: (Plank) || Snow, (Plank) || Snowball, (Plank) || Snow Block,
Treated Planks: (Plank) || Netherrack,
Rainbow Sapling: Rainbow Leaves || Rainbow Log,
End Sapling: End Leaves || End Log,
Glowing Mushroom: Brown Mushroom || Glowstone Dust,
Blooming Cactus: Cactus && (Small Flower),
Petrified Poppy: Cobblestone || Poppy, Gravel || Poppy, Stone|| Poppy,
End Grass: Grass Block || End Stone, Mycelium || End Stone,
Glowflower: Glowstone Dust && (Small Flower),
Glowy Goop: Slime Block || Glowing Mushroom,
Glowy Goop: Slime Block && Blood Bucket,
Pipe: Hopper || Bamboo, Vein || Iron Ingot,
Pipe Intersection: Chalk && Chiseled Stone Bricks,
Parcel Pyxis: Pipe || Mailbox,
Trajectory Block: Powered Rail || Slime Block,
Stat Storer: Computer Parts && Remote Observer,
Platform Generator: Piston || Shield,
Platform Receptacle: Daylight Detector || Iron Block,
Remote Comparator: Block Pressure Plate || Plutonium Core,
Pushable Block: (Stone) || Gravel,
Rock Cookie: Cookie && Cobblestone, Cookie && Gravel, Cookie && Stone,
Wooden Carrot: Carrot && (Log), Carrot && Planks,
Fungal Spore: Wheat Seeds || (Mushroom),
Sporeo: Cookie && Fungal Spore,
French Fry: Potato && Blaze Rod, Potato && Stick,
Golden Grasshopper: Grasshopper || Gold Ingot,