Minestuck has support for the mod MineTweaker3. This page is only for describing the things added by this mod and how to use it, and not on how to use MineTweaker3 itself. The wiki for MineTweaker3 can be found here.
Note: In older versions of the mod the first letter in grist names had to be in uppercase.
The alchemy class, found at minestuck.Alchemy
, is used to register or remove grist recipes. There's four methods to use.
Alchemy.setCost(ItemStack item, String cost);
Alchemy.setOreDictCost(String name, String cost);
Alchemy.removeCost(ItemStack item);
Alchemy.removeOreDictCost(String name);
Parameters used:
*item: An item stack that the cost is registered to. Only the item and metadata is used.
*name: An ore dictionary name that the cost is registered to.
*cost: A String with information about the cost of the item. The format is explained just below this.
Grist cost format[]
The grist cost is made out of a string where each amount of a certain grist type is separated by a ','. Each amount is written with the grist name first and then the amount.
For example, to make a grist set that represents 3 build grist and 5 amber grist, you need to type "build 3, amber 5"
To make a grist type added by another mod, put that mod's name and a colon before the grist type. For example, to make something that costs 8 build grist from Minestuck and 8 wood grist from Minestuck Arsenal, type "build 8, minestuckarsenal:wood 8"
To make a diamond cost 10 diamond and 8 zillium:
minestuck.Alchemy.setCost(<minecraft:diamond>, "diamond 10, zillium 8");
To make all types of stairs (included those added by other mods) cost 2 build and 3 artifact:
minestuck.Alchemy.setOreDictCost("stairWood", "build 2, artifact 3");
To make the colored dirt unalchemizeable:
The Combinations class, found at minestuck.Combinations
is used to add or remove combination recipes. There's six methods to use.
Combinations.addRecipe(ItemStack input1, ItemStack input2, String mode, ItemStack output);
Combinations.addOreDictRecipe(ItemStack input1, String input2, String mode, ItemStack output);
Combinations.addFullOreDictRecipe(String input1, String input2, String mode, ItemStack output);
Combinations.removeRecipe(ItemStack input1, ItemStack input2, String mode);
Combinations.removeOreDictRecipe(ItemStack input1, String input2, String mode);
Combinations.removeFullOreDictRecipe(String input1, String input2, String mode);
Parameters used:
*input1 and input2: The two items that are combined. Either an item stack or an ore dictionary name.
*mode: The mode used in the combination. Allowed values: "&", "&&", "and", "|", "||", "or". This parameter isn't case sensitive.
*output: The resulting item from the combination.
To add "painting || wooden sword -> sord....."
minestuck.Combinations.addRecipe(<minecraft:painting>, <minecraft:wooden_sword:*>, "OR", <Minestuck:sord>);
To add "water bucket && any black dye -> oil bucket":
minestuck.Combinations.addOreDictRecipe(<minecraft:water_bucket>, "dyeBlack", "AND", <Minestuck:minestuckBucket:1>);
To remove "string && leather -> saddle":
minestuck.Combinations.removeRecipe(<minecraft:string>, <minecraft:leather>, "AND");