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The Cruxtruder is a key machine of Alchemy as it allows the player to create Cruxite Dowels, which are needed to create items through the Alchemiter. The Cruxtruder is the first machine used in the Alchemy process.


Edit Mode[]

The Cruxtruder can be obtained from the Phernalia Registry while in Edit Mode. It can be deployed for free once per in-game day, but subsequent deployments cost 100 Build Grist. It is not possible to obtain the item form of the Cruxtruder in Survival Mode.


When deployed, the opening at the top of the Cruxtruder will be blocked by the Cruxtruder Lid. The Cruxtruder will not work if any block besides air is above the opening. Break the lid so that the opening is not blocked. Breaking any part of the Cruxtruder multiblock besides the Cruxtruder Lid will drop nothing, and render the machine unusable.

The Cruxtruder requires Raw Cruxite as fuel, which can be provided by using (right-clicking) the opening at the top of the Cruxtruder. It can hold up to one stack of Raw Cruxite.

Cruxite Dowels can be created by using the Cruxtruder's valve, consuming one Raw Cruxite. They can either be broken directly or dropped by using the valve again.

Mod Configuration[]

Key Default Description
cruxtruderIntake True If enabled, the Cruxtruder will require Raw Cruxite to function, which is inserted through the pipe.
portableMachines False Determines if the small portable machines should be included in the Phernalia Registry.
hardMode False If enabled, the deploy cost of the Cruxtruder will always be

100 Build Grist, among other effects.


In Homestuck: Cruxtruder

